
【婚恋】给丈夫的教导 What Jesus taught us about husbanding

Ajith Fernando is an internationally known and loved Christian author and teacher, called “the Asian John Stott” by some. 

Ajith Fernando是世界闻名的基督徒作家和教师,被有些人称为“亚洲的John Scott”。

He was born in Sri Lanka, came to the United States for graduate studies, and returned to his native country, which was engulfed in conflict, and served for 35 years as the national director of Youth for Christ.

他生于斯里兰卡,后到美国求学,又返回他的祖国,那个陷于冲突之中的国度。在那里,他服侍Youth for Christ长达35年。 

He said profitable time away with your wife from the rough and tumble of everyday life is not about having money in your pocket, but about having a heart to make your wife happy.


He has tasted what it means to have a happy marriage, but he’s quick to admit that it didn’t come easy.


Happy Wife, Holy Ambition 快乐的妻子,圣洁的抱负

Fernando’s core message for young husbands like me is make it your ambition to make your wife happy. 


The heart of husbanding, he says, is an ambition, not a burden, to gladly empty oneself of selfish comforts in order to fill one’s wife with joy — to find your own joy less in small private pleasures and more in shared happiness with your wife. It’s his way of pressing home the truth of Ephesians 5:25, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.”


While ambition is an inspiring word, and a fresh way of capturing a timeless truth, that doesn’t mean it’s easy to bring her joy. It’s costly. We call it “sacrifice.”


At the heart of what it means to be a husband is to give of yourself — not mainly your money, but yourself .


Ajith is quick to confess that marriage is not easy.God didn’t make marriage to make life easy, but to make us holy. 

作者承认,经营婚姻并不容易。 上帝设立婚姻并不是为了让生活更容易,而是让我们更加圣洁。

He didn’t give us marriage to make us comfortable here, but to deepen our joy in him and prepare us for the life to come.


As Christians, we have a great hope to hold to in any marital struggle. 


“God is above all our problems and will help us,” says Fernando. “God is committed to this marriage. And real happiness in marriage is learned in struggle.” 


Struggle is another important word for Fernando. It’s a biblical term, and is inevitable for joy-seekers living in a sin-sick world.“We are bruised people,” he says. Conflicts will come. Often. But “struggle doesn’t need to be unpleasant.”


“What ruins life is to think that struggle means winners and losers. Struggle means becoming more like Jesus. Struggle is part of our journey to be more like Jesus. We are not afraid of battle.”But we do need to learn how to struggle well. 


Fernando points to what he calls “the love fight,” which means caring enough to confront, being truthful, not sinning in what we say, and truly forgiving by not bringing up the past.


“When you are having a fight, pray most — ears listening to wife, mouth talking to her, heart listening to God.”

