


The Perfect Spouse Will Not Complete You


There are few pains like the long ache of loneliness. That experience can motivate singles to obsessover finding and keeping the perfect spouse. Sometimes it even drives people toend perfectly healthy relationships for fear that there is a more perfectchoice somewhere.


Regardless, even themost laid back of the matrimonially available crowd must wrestle with thedesire to find the absolutely perfect spouse.


The desire is understandable. There are fewdecisions in life that carry the weight of a covenantal commitment (Ephesians5:22–33). If done correctly, your marriage will be a dominant influence on yourdecisions for the duration of its life — sometimes giving unsurpassedsatisfaction and other times requiring gut-wrenching sacrifice. For mostpeople, they have never come close to making such a long-term and life-alteringdecision before, and therefore they want to be as diligent as possible aboutmaking the right decision.


But sometimes we cross the boundary frommerely trying to be a good shepherd of our hearts to actively trying to wrestcontrol from the almighty and trustworthy God. A little bit of the gardentemptation can play out in our own lives(Genesis3:1–7), Is God’s plan really sufficient? Does he really know what he’sdoing? Can he really accomplish it without me?


Once we understandour motivations more clearly, we can bring them to the throne of grace moreswiftly. Our hearts cannot help but be restless on this subject because itcarries such weighty implications, yet our hearts can find genuine rest in thelove, wisdom, and might of a gracious God .


Assess YourExpectations


Motivations are one thing, expectations are another. If you asked most people, they would affirmthat there is no such thing as a perfect spouse. However, I’m betting that most of those same people would probably also affirm the “perfect-for-me” theory of spousal selection. That is the idea that there is some perfect person somewhere on theplanet, and if they could just find them, the two would be perfectly happy together. Their interests, strengths, and shortcomings would all blend inperfect relational harmony.


Let us disabuse ourselves of that expectation. There is no perfect person on this earth waiting for you. Find me a potential spouse, and I’ll show you a sinner — because weare all sinners. And there is no matching or mixing of sins that leads toperfect blessedness, because that’s not what sin does. Sin is selfish,deceitful, and power-hungry. Marriages require us to be sacrificing, honest,and willing to serve. Your spouse may complement you, but he (or she) will never complete you. That’s the job of Christ.


When I’m evaluating couples in premarital counseling, I’m looking for three components: character,chemistry, and compatibility.


1. Character 品格

Character is the domain that lets me know that two people value the same things. In order to be able to have a long-term healthy relationship the couple must be able to build up trust. As my friend and former professor Dr. Jim Hurley would say, “trust comes from repeated acts of trust worthiness.” Consequently, I ask, do both partners have the same idea of what it means to behave in trustworthy ways?

品格衡量两个人对待同样事情的价值观。配偶们要有长期的健康的关系,他们必须建立信任。正如我的朋友、之前的教授Dr. Jim Hurley所说:“对一个人的信任来自于这个人反复的可信任的行动。”因此,我问,对于以可信任的方式来行动这句话的涵义,配偶双方的认识是否一致?

Don’t get me wrong,there is certainly room for differences of opinion in every relationship, even differences of priority — but this is about fundamental commitments and worldview. This is why Paul warns against being “unequally yoked” because it is so difficult to make a relationship work when we cannot agree what is right or wrong. As Christians, we should excel here. Our morality is not built upon our instincts but upon the unassailable word of God. We have an unshakeable foundation that clearly marks what is acceptable Christian behavior and what isnot (Romans13:8–10).


2. Chemistry 化学反应

Chemistry is the domain that lets me know that two people are really attracted to each other.There are common refrains in counseling; problems that I hear again and again.One of them is when one spouse is not attracted to the other. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but the most common I’ve found is that people havetried to fight against the trend in society that relationships are almost exclusively about looks and lust, so they have fallen for the opposite lie,that looks don’t matter at all.


Chemistry is not just physical attraction — it’s also emotional attraction. Are these two people at ease with one another? Do they laugh together? Do they seem to look forward toseeing each other? Genuine chemistry is the platform upon which infatuation springs, and it should remain once infatuation has begun to subside.


Without chemistry,people often find themselves sharing their life with a roommate, not a spouse.The good thing about chemistry is that it can be cultivated over time.Attraction can and does grow; it can go from smoldering ash to open fire over time. 


3. Compatibility 相容度

Compatibility is the domain that lets me know that two people are able to work well as a team.Character and chemistry can both be high, but if a couple doesn’t work well together as a team, the road will be long and tough. Couples are often drawn to one another based on opposite strengths. The old adage is true, “opposites attract.”


Spenders marry savers, introverts marry extroverts, black-and-white thinkers marry gray-scale thinkers; the list is nearly endless. What I’m looking for is whether or not the couple leans into these differences or fights against them. Whereas with character I’m looking for unity, with compatibility  I’m looking for diversity. Diversity can be an incredible area of strength, but only if the couple has the wherewithal to appreciate each other’s competence while working on our own incompetence.


We should be diligent about making sure we are well-coupled before heading down the wedding aisle. We should understand our motivations, we should set biblically-informed standards and expectations, and we should use careful discernment. But our hope is not in finding the perfect spouse but in resting in the perfect Savior. It is not my marriage that will complete me, but Christ.


Article: Josh Squires

翻译: Vicky Xue

We should be diligentabout making sure we are well-coupled before heading down the wedding aisle. We should understand our motivations, we should set biblically-informed standardsand expectations, and we should use careful discernment. But our hope is not infinding the perfect spouse but in resting in the perfect Savior. It is not my marriage that will complete me, but Christ.

