



“‘我为你的殿,心里焦急,如同火烧。” – 约 2:17










“Zeal for your house will consume me.” — John 2:17



My wife has been a school bus driver for more than ten years. She loves what she does, and she is great at it. Her passion for bus driving, taking care of students, and transporting kids is amazing. If anything gets in the way of her doing what she is trained for and loves to do, she will fight it. What makes her a great bus driver is her passion for what she does.

Jesus was passionate about doing his Father’s work. He longed to cultivate the faith of the people around him. If anything stood in the way of forming faith, he was passionate about getting rid of those obstacles. That’s what is behind today’s verses. Money changers and merchants had set up their booths and tables in the temple courts, where people from the nations were supposed to be able to come and worship God. Those vendors didn’t belong there, and it was time for them to go.

Jesus is just as passionate about forming faith in us. In all of our lives there are things that stand in the way of our spiritual growth. Maybe we hold a grudge. Maybe there’s a deep-seated sin we need to confess. Maybe the busyness of daily life or an addiction keeps distracting us. Whatever it is, Jesus is passionate about helping us get rid of it so that our faith can grow. He wants to clear out whatever holds us back from him.

Will you let Jesus clear out the things that hold you back?


Jesus, cleanse me from within. Clear out whatever holds me back from trusting in you and growing in you today. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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