



“我体会基督耶稣的心肠,切切地想念你们众人。这是神可以给我作见证的。” - 腓 1:8



我们许多人都碰到过这样的人,他们似乎无法越过自己的困难,去考虑他人的需要。或许他们总是怀揣着多年的积怨。比如说,和某人谈论五分钟的陈年往事,你就会听到他抱怨25年前自己很不公平地被解雇的事。是一个被基督之爱点燃的人,总是会关注他人,以及如何更好地向他人展示神的爱。这一点耶稣为我们立下了榜样,尽管祂被挂在十字架上,祂仍然请求一个门徒照顾祂的母亲(约 19:25-27)。





 Loving The Other

"God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus." — Philippians 1:8



The Philippians had heard that Paul was in prison. Paul wrote several of his letters from a jail cell, chains clanking from his wrists as he composed his epistles. But that did not stop up his love. “You are in my heart,” Paul says, and he adds, in effect, “It doesn’t matter whether I am in jail or where I am; my love for you is expressed in every beating of my heart. I am not so focused on my own problems that I can no longer think of you all.” It seems that the only thing that really bothers Paul about being in prison is that he can’t travel, can’t visit these dear Philippian sisters and brothers in Christ.

Many of us have met people who seem unable to see past their own troubles and to think about the needs of others. Maybe they carry around old grudges. Talk to old so-and-so for more than five minutes, for instance, and you will hear all about how unfairly he got fired from a job 25 years ago. But the person whose heart is aflame with the love of Christ will always be focused on others and how best to show God’s love to them. Jesus set the example for this when, even as he hung dying on the cross, he asked a disciple to take care of his mother (John 19:25-27).

This is a marker of true, unconditional love. Paul had it for the Philippians, and nothing could distract him from it.


Forgive us, dear God, when our selfishness blinds us from seeing and caring for the people around us. Open our eyes to all whom you would have us love in your name. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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