
Bible For Kids | 瘟疫和逾越节 让我的百姓离开 Let My People Go


Moses and Aaron told Pharaoh, "The God of the Israelites says you must let His people go free.Otherwise, bad things will happen to you." But Pharaoh would not listen.


So Cod turned the water in Egypt into blood. No one could drink it. Then He filled the Egyptian houses with frogs. Frogs were everywhere! Still Pharaoh would not listen.


So Cod filled the skies of Egypt with gnats. They covered the people like dust. Then He struck the land of Egypt with flies. Still Pharaoh would not listen.


So God killed the animals of Egypt. Horses, donkeys,camels, sheep, cows, and goats all died. Then He covered the Egyptian people with sores. Still Pharaoh would not listen.


Cod sent hail to crush the crops of Egypt. Their barley and flax were destroyed. Then He sent locusts to eat what fruit remained. Still

Pharaoh would not listen.


So God sent darkness over the land. But again, Pharaoh would not listen. God said, "I will kill every firstborn son in Egypt, and all the

firstborn of the animals."


"My people must kill a lamb, eat it, and put its blood on their doorposts. I will see the blood and pass over their houses. Those

children will not die."


"You will call this Passover and always remember it." The Israelites obeyed God,but the Egyptian firstborn sons died - even Pharaoh’s son. Finally Pharaoh listened. He let the Israelites go.



