
Bible For Kids | 上帝的爱子 耶稣受洗 The Beloved Son



"Before God sends His special Savior," said the prophet, Malachi, "a messenger will come to prepare the way for Him." So John came before Jesus, preaching by the Jordan River.

先知玛拉基说:“上帝要差遣一位救主来到世界,但是在此之前,有一位使者要先来为他预备道路。” 约翰就是那位使者,他在耶稣之前到来,在约旦河边传道。


"Prepare the way for the Lord!" John said. "God is sending someone very special to His people. Change your ways. Turn from the bad things you have done. Be baptized. " So that’s what people did! "Are you the promised one?" they asked. "No," said John. "I’m not worthy to even carry His sandals. He will do amazing things. You’ll see!"

“为主预备道路!” 约翰说。“上帝要为他的子民差遣一位救主。你们要悔改,不再作恶,并且要受洗。” 人们就照着做了!他们问约翰:“你就是那位救主吗?” “不是,” 约翰回答。“那位要来的救主非常伟大,我连绐他提鞋也不配。他要做许多了不起的事。你们会看到的!”


Jesus came to John to be baptized. When John saw Jesus, he said, "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!"



"I want you to baptize Me," Jesus said. "No," John replied. "I need to be baptized by You!" "Trust Me," said Jesus. "This is the right thing to do."  So John baptized Jesus. God’s Spirit came down on Jesus like a dove. "This is My Son," God said. "I love Him. He pleases Me very much!"

“请你为我施洗,”耶稣说。但是约翰说:“不,应该是你为我施洗才对!” 耶稣说:“相信我,我们应当这样做。” 于是,约翰为耶稣施洗。就在那一刻,上帝的灵好像鸽子一样落在耶稣身上。上帝说:“这是我的爱子。我爱他。他是我所喜悦的!”



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