
Bible For Kids | 分开红海和颁布十诫 God makes a way


After Pharaoh’s son died in the tenth plague, he let the Israelites leave. They were near the Red Sea when Pharaoh changed his mind again and chased after them.


When the Israelites saw Pharaoh’s chariots, they were terrified. But God told Moses to raise his staff toward the Red Sea. God sent a strong wind and parted the sea!A dry path appeared, and the Israelites walked straight through the Red Sea! There was a wall of water on each side of them. They arrived safely on the other side.


Pharaoh and his army followed them into the sea.God told Moses to stretch out his hand. Then the sea rolled back again, and Pharaoh and his army all drowned.


God led His people through a wilderness. He fed them and gave them water. They camped at Mount Sinai, where God told Moses to meet Him on the mountaintop.Surrounded by fire and smoke, Moses climbed to the top, and God came down to meet him.


Then God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on two stone tablets: Don’t worship other gods. Don’t make idols. Treat My name with respect. Treat the Sabbath day as a special day.Respect your parents. Don’t murder. Be loyal to your husband or your wife. Don’t steal. Don’t lie. Don’t envy people or what they own. Now the people knew how to obey Cod.



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