

Day 51 - Live For Pleasure!

第五十一天 为福乐而活

Psalm 16:11


Hebrews 1:3

希伯来书 1:3

Proverbs 10:23

箴言 10:23

Jeremiah 6:10

耶利米书 6:10

1 Samuel 2:1

撒母耳记上 2:1

Psalm 37:4

诗篇 37:4

Psalm 112:1

诗篇 112:1

Isaiah 53:1-4

以赛亚书 53:1-4

Isaiah 61:10

以赛亚书 61:10

Job 22:21-26

约伯记 22:21-26

Psalm 149:4-5


Lots of verses listed above, but for good reason. Today's lesson spoke about worldly "cures" for sexual temptation versus it being a heart problem. Picturing a police officer with a stop sign and handcuffs is not an effective way of getting you to stop sinning. Filling your heart with joy and love to where it is satisfied is the cure. 

We sin because we are looking for that full satisfaction. Where else can we get that satisfaction and fullness except from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!? If we motivate our hearts with joy and love, that of our Savior, we will abound in pleasure! As John Piper says, we must be "Christian Hedonists". 

We SHOULD live for pleasure, true pleasure! If we live for pleasure in God, we find the joy that will fill us so we never need anything else! Go to the verses above and let yourself be filled with the joy about which they speak...

上面列出的很多章节,有重要的理由。今天的课程谈到有关性试探方面世俗的“治疗方案”,以及与之相对的,这是否只是一个心理的问题。 想象一个警察向你快速跑来,手里高举一个红色警示牌和一副手铐,并不是使你停止犯罪的有效方法。



Day 52 - Happy Are The Helpless

第五十二天 无助的人快乐了

Matthew 5:1-4


Mark 12:41-42

马可福音 12:41-42

Luke 18:9-14

路加福音 18:9-14

Ecclesiastes 5:1,2

传道书 5:1,2

Today we learned what it means to be "poor in spirit" and why we are blessed when we are helpless, not when we help ourselves. Being "poor in spirit" can be defined as: Bankrupt in Self; Self-worth is nothing without God; All I am, have, and do is worthless without God; I understand my total inability before God. God blesses those who are poor in spirit. 


Why it is important: 

a) This spiritual poverty is in reality the foundation of all graces; 

b) Emptiness Precedes Fullness; 

c) Self must be done with for Christ to be wanted; 

d) A starving heart will give all to have the Bread of Life. 






The 4 ways in which He blesses: 

1) God is near to the poor in spirit (Psalm 34:18)

2) God will not despise the poor in spirit (Psalm 51:17)

3) God dwells with the poor in spirit (Isaiah 57:15)

4) God esteems the poor in spirit (Isaiah 66:2)






Additional rewards and blessings of those who are poor in spirit: 

1) God thinks on and delivers the poor in spirit (Psalm 40:17)

2) God hears and does not despise the poor in spirit (Psalm 69:33)

3) God spares and saves the poor in spirit (Psalm 72:13)

4) God gives success to the poor in spirit (Psalm 107:41)




3) 神怜恤并拯救虚心的人(诗篇72:13)


Poverty of spirit brings about a: 

1) Weaning from self (Galatians 2:20, Philippians 1:21); 

2) Delighting in God's glory (2 Corinthians 3:18)

3) Seeking God's fingerprints (Romans 8:17-18, 28); 

4) Seeing the best in others and the worst in yourself; 

5) Praying like a beggar and praising like a son; 

6) Serving like a slave.


1)摆脱自我 – 加拉太书2:20; 腓立比书1:21

2)以荣耀神为乐 – 哥林多后书3:18

3)寻求神的认可 – 罗马书8:17,18,28

4)看到别人的长处和自己的短处 –马太福音7:3

5)向乞丐一样祷告,像儿子一样赞美 – 路加福音18:9-14

