

This summary can be printed out and reviewed daily as a reminder of the truths taught in this course.


Day 41-Battle Strategies I

第四十一天 作战策略 (一)

Psalm 18:37-40

诗篇 18:37-40

Matthew 11:12

马太福音 11:12

Mark 9:43-47

马可福音 9:43-47

Deuteronomy 7:1-6

申命记 7:1-6

Deuteronomy 7:17


Deuteronomy 7:21-22


Exodus 32:19-20

出埃及记 32:19-20

Judges 8:4

师士记 8:4

Ephesians 5:11-13

以弗所书 5:11-13

2 Corinthians 1:10

哥林多后书 1:10

Time for battle! Here is what you do: Deal harshly with sin; Be merciless ineradicating it; Annihilate every speck of it from ourlives; SEEK GOD'S GRACE TO ACCOMPLISH THIS. 

The course spelled it out like this - 

1) Take the offensive. This is key. Don't try to just dodge each fiery dart. Defensiveness breeds fear of failing. Pursue the enemy instead. Remove the tv or computer, be accountable to your spouse every day, put filtering software on the computer, stay away from the magazine rack in stores, stay involved in other peoples' freedom from sin. In other words, BE ACTIVE ON THE OFFENSIVE! 

2) Pursue with aggression. Don't let sin sit in the dark, but tell someone right away when you slip and WHEN YOU ARE TEMPTED. They can pull you away in time. If you stop it at temptation, the slip never comes. 

3) Be violent with "pet" sins. They are trying to pull your soul into hell. Expose it, kill it, and crush it or it WILL rise again. 

4) Pray for God's grace in all of it. "We make our plans but the Lord directs our steps" ( Proverbs 16:9) Jesus said, "Without Me you can do nothing"( John 15:5) Don't be the hero, or fight it alone. God has all you need for victory.

该是争战的时候了!你要这样做:对待罪要严厉;斩草除根,毫不留情,从我们的生命中消灭殆尽 ―― 求神的恩典来做到这些。课程是如此阐述的:




